Get the most with Songtradr Pro!

If you haven’t already, you may want to consider upgrading to Songtradr Pro where you’ll get unlimited distribution and all distribution royalties. Plus, you’ll gain access to licensing opportunities, and the biggest share of sync and licensing fees and monetization revenue!



Is Songtradr Pro worth it for me?

Upgrade to Songtradr Pro and receive:

  • 80% of all sync licensing revenue you earn when your music is used for film, TV, advertising, and more. That’s 20% more than our already competitive 60% share for free users.
  • Free distribution with unlimited releases to all major platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, and more.
  • 100% distribution royalties, which is more than the Starter tier’s 90% royalties.


Unlimited distribution
Manage & share your music
ISRC/UPC codes included
Mobile notifications  
Receive distribution royalties 90% 100%
Receive sync & licensing Fees 60% 80%
Receive monetization revenue 60% 80%



Want to get more out of your music?



Real music, real artists

About Songtradr

Songtradr is the largest, cleared-for-licensing, music marketplace in the world, connecting our global community of artists to Film & TV, advertising, games, brands, and more. We are a passionate group of musicians and music enthusiasts with a simple mission; to revolutionize the process of exchanging music rights.

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